Bungalow Company Expands to St. Claire Place in Downtown Bend


Since moving their headquarters to Bend in 2000, The Bungalow Company and Christian Gladu Design have become an integral part of the local design scene. The company, owned by Principal Designer and Creative Director Christian Gladu, strives to design affordable homes that are tailored to meet the desires of each individual customer. The company is experienced in the creation of modernized craftsman style homes, which typically feature low-pitched eaves and porches inspired by the 1920s.  bungalowhome

Gladu, who has been in the home design business for 20 years, has authored three books: Small Bungalows, Bungalow Plans and New Bungalow (written in collaboration with Matthew Bialecki and Jill Kessenich). As suggested by the titles, the books outline design principles for personalization of Bungalow-style homes. Gladu’s books and company have also been cited in articles published in The New York Times, Better Homes and Gardens and The Oregonian. 

Most recently, Christian Gladu Design was featured in the January 2014 issue of The Wall Street Journal, where specific attention was paid to the company’s design of authentic Bungalow plans inspired by the 1920s.

The Bungalow Company and Christian Gladu Design have recently relocated to the St. Claire Place in downtown Bend, launched a new website and hired another home designer. “There’s a really nice energy in downtown Bend. Our office is centrally located and we now have a larger conference room to meet with clients,” Gladu said. 

Formerly located on Nordic Avenue, the company enjoys its new proximity to architects and builders, which they feel creates a collaborative environment. The company’s expansion and relocation were celebrated with an open house event during March’s First Friday event.

The launch of the company’s new website, www.thebungalowcompany.com, features detailed home design plans, as well as educational resources aimed to make the house-building process easier for customers. “We’ve refined the plans we offer and have added a series of educational resources,” said Gladu. “We’re proud to offer a different kind of experience for people who buy stock house plans. ”The website also includes quizzes, step-by-step tutorials and visual guides designed to assist customers intent on creating personalized homes. 

New team member, Allyn Jeans, has been hired to help customers who have specific design concepts in mind. Jeans, a Bend local, is a graduate of the University of Oregon with a bachelors degree in architecture and a minor in landscape architecture. She also holds an associate degree in interior design from the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City.

“We’re so happy to have her,” Gladu commented. “She brings new energy and talent to the team. She is a very welcome addition as our workload has greatly increased in the past several months.”

The Bungalow Company and Christian Gladu Design, 920 NW Bond Street, Suite 203, www.thebungalowcompany.com, contact@thebungalowcompany.com, 888-945-9206.


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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. CascadeBusNews.com • CBN@CascadeBusNews.com

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